Rabbi Esther Lederman
Rabbi Esther is the Vice President of Leaders in Action at the Union for Reform Judaism. She believes in creating powerful Jewish experiences of meaning and belonging.

Services with Rabbi Esther

and musicians Ami Yares (guitar/bass), Adam Green (percussion), and Sage Snider (fiddle)

LOCATION: Calvary Baptist Church, 755 8th Street, NW


This accessible and soulful service offers uplifting music, thought-provoking reflections, and modern interpretations of ancient texts and rituals. Designed to help you cultivate deeper meaning, emotional connection, and spiritual focus at the start of the New Year, this service blends contemporary and traditional elements including music, text, poetry, and Jewish wisdom. Whether you’re newer to High Holiday observance, a longtime Sixth & I’er, or just looking for a more unexpected lens for reflection, this service is for you. We hope you’ll be there as we enter 5785 in community.

During services, most prayers are in Hebrew, with accompanying intentions in English. We’ll use a Reform prayerbook with transliteration (Hebrew prayers written in English characters) and translations.

Rabbi Esther’s Service Schedule:

Thursday, October 3 from 10:30 am – 1:00 pm

Friday, October 11 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Saturday, October 12 from 10:30 am – 1:00 pm (Yizkor at approximately 12:30 pm)

High Holiday Services Schedule

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Wednesday, October 2

  • Services with Rabbi Aaron at Sixth & I – 6:30 pm ET

Rosh Hashanah - First Day

Thursday, October 3

  • Services with Rabbi Aaron at Sixth & I – 10:00 am ET
  • Services with Rabbi Esther at Calvary Baptist Church – 10:30 am ET
  • Express Service with Rabbi Aaron at Sixth & I – 5:30 pm ET

Kol Nidre

Friday, October 11

  • Services with Rabbi Aaron at Sixth & I – 6:30 pm ET
  • Services with Rabbi Esther at Calvary Baptist Church – 7:00 pm ET

Yom Kippur

Saturday, October 12

  • Services with Rabbi Aaron at Sixth & I – 10:00 am ET
  • Services with Rabbi Esther at Calvary Baptist Church – 10:30 am ET


Saturday, October 12

  • Services with Rabbi Aaron – 5:30 pm ET